
Acupuncture has the ability to bring an unbalanced body back into balance, and when this happens amazing results happen. Below are some patient testimonials as to the positive results they received with Acupuncture.  

Testimonial from Anne S. from Lahaska, PA

Diane was referred to me by a trusted friend.  My friend is not new to the practice of acupuncture as am I, so our reference points come from long experience.

My pain was jumping from place to place in my body, making no sense to me, and appreared to be disturbingly random.  Diane spent time asking questions and listening in order to put into effect a solid treatment plan.  She also helped me to understand how what seemed to be random symptoms were interrelated.

Using a grid system, she was able to systematically formulate a plan for my recovery.  I appreciated this approach because she was able to lay out a clear path to my healing.

In the two plus months that I was under her care, I discovered a compassionate, warm and genuine human being, who's commitment to my healing never waivered.

Thank you Diane for giving so much to me!

Anne S,
Lahaska, PA